8 Rounds Total Body HIIT 8 Rounds-32 minutes 20 seconds Work/10 seconds Rest SETS/ROUNDS: 8 Rounds TIME: 32 Minutes REST: 10 seconds between rounds Runner Pose Mountain Climbers Prisoner Get-Ups Burpee to Lateral Hop Bottom Half Get-Up-Right Bottom Half Get-Up-Left...
6 Rounds EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) 30 minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): 6 Rounds SETS/ROUNDS: 6 Rounds TIME: 30 Minutes REST: 1 minute between rounds 7 Speed Burpee to Lunge to Middle 36 (total) Skater Hops 3x (5) Squat Jumps, Bent Leg Inchworm, (3)...
Speed Kills (running workout) TIME: 30 Minutes Alternating Sprint/Jog Intervals 1 minute Run (near sprint effort) 1 minute of Jog/Walk Recovery Or Kettlebell...
Conditioning- 5 Rounds 30:15 Work/Rest Conditioning- 5 Rounds (35 minutes)30:15 Work/Rest SETS/ROUNDS: 5 Rounds TIME: 35 Minutes REST: 15 seconds between rounds Squat to Criss Cross Starfish Lateral Lunge Plank Rotations R Split Squat Low to High Chop L Split Squat...
Home Kettlebell Workout 2-3 ROUNDS SETS/ROUNDS: 2-3 Rounds REST: 1 minute between rounds 10e Single Swing 1 minute plank 10e Push Press 10e Alt V ups 10e OH Lunge 10 Snow Angel Superman’s Snatch 10e 1 minute plank 10e Single Side Thruster 10e Alt V ups 10e Floor Press...