Total Body Burner (32 minutes) 4 Rounds (32 minutes of work) 40:20 Work: Rest SETS/ROUNDS: 4 Rounds TIME: 32 Minutes REST: 20 seconds between rounds Cycle from exercise 1 to 8, repeat a total of 4 times Lunge Plank Rolls Squat Hold with Rotation Bicycles Lateral...
32 Minute HIIT Burner 8 Rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest (32 minutes) SETS/ROUNDS: 8 Rounds TIME: 32 Minutes REST: 10 seconds between rounds Elbow Bicycles 2 Way March V-Sit Knee tucks Lateral Crawl to Shoulder Tap Lateral Scissor Switches Lateral...
Total Body Burner (36 minutes) Total Workout (36 minutes) SETS/ROUNDS: 6 Rounds TIME: 36 Minutes REST: 10 seconds between rounds 6 Rounds 20 secs work: 10 secs rest (12 minutes) Sprinter Lunge to Single leg Toe Touch- Right Sprinter Lunge to Single leg Toe Touch- Left...
Build-Ups (30 minute running workout ) 30-minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) Start a 30 minute timer, the first 30 seconds of each minute you will build up to a sprint, the next 30 seconds you will recover. TIME: 30 Minutes 0-second build up to sprint...