Total Body Burner (32 minutes)

Total Body Burner (32 minutes)

Total Body Burner (32 minutes) 4 Rounds (32 minutes of work) 40:20 Work: Rest SETS/ROUNDS: 4 Rounds TIME: 32 Minutes REST: 20 seconds between rounds Cycle from exercise 1 to 8, repeat a total of 4 times Lunge Plank Rolls Squat Hold with Rotation Bicycles Lateral...
32 Minute HIIT Burner

32 Minute HIIT Burner

32 Minute HIIT Burner 8 Rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest (32 minutes) SETS/ROUNDS: 8 Rounds TIME: 32 Minutes REST: 10 seconds between rounds Elbow Bicycles  2 Way March V-Sit Knee tucks Lateral Crawl to Shoulder Tap Lateral Scissor Switches Lateral...
Total Body Burner (36 minutes)

Total Body Burner (36 minutes)

Total Body Burner (36 minutes) Total Workout (36 minutes) SETS/ROUNDS: 6 Rounds TIME: 36 Minutes REST: 10 seconds between rounds 6 Rounds 20 secs work: 10 secs rest (12 minutes) Sprinter Lunge to Single leg Toe Touch- Right Sprinter Lunge to Single leg Toe Touch- Left...
5 Rounds of Total Body Conditioning (37 minutes)

5 Rounds of Total Body Conditioning (37 minutes)

5 Rounds of Total Body Conditioning (37 minutes) 5 Rounds 1 minute of work 30-second rest (37:30 minute workout) SETS/ROUNDS: 5 Rounds TIME: 37 Minutes REST: 30 seconds between rounds 4e Kick-Throughs/ 4 Push-Ups 5 Squat Jumps/ Lateral Shuffle/ 1 Burpee 30 seconds...
Build-Ups (30 minute running workout )

Build-Ups (30 minute running workout )

Build-Ups (30 minute running workout ) 30-minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) Start a 30 minute timer, the first 30 seconds of each minute you will build up to a sprint, the next 30 seconds you will recover.  TIME: 30 Minutes   0-second build up to sprint...