Lower Body Focused Conditioning (36 minutes) 20 work: 10 rest 8 Rounds SETS/ROUNDS: 8 Rounds TIME: 36 Minutes REST: 10 seconds between rounds Single-Leg Walk-Out-right Single-Leg Walk-Out-left 90- degree Switches Jumping Lunges Speed Burpee to 4 high knees Plank Taps...
Total Body Conditioning 6 Rounds (35+ minutes) SETS/ROUNDS: 6 Rounds TIME: 35+ Minutes Round 1&2 45 work: 25 rest 2e Forward Low Lunge/Backpedal/5 second Squat Hold/3 Squat Jumps Inchworm to 3 Supermans to 3 Push-Ups Lateral Skater Lunge Bear...
Total Body Circuit (36-minutes) Total Body Circuit (36-minute Workout) Here’s how the workout will go: Total body circuit for 5 minutes straight (change exercises at the top of each minute), then 1 minute rest, Ab circuit for 5 minutes (change exercises at the...
30 Minute Running Workout Every Minute On the Minute-EMOM TIME: 30 Minutes 30 x 30 yard Sprints/Accelerations or KB/DB Home Workout...
33 Minute Total Body Burner Conditioning- 33 minutes ROUNDS: 8 Rounds TIME: 33 Minutes REST: 1 minute between rounds 2 Minute Flow/1 Minute Rest Flow: (5) Squat to Jumping Lunge; (5e) Pike to Toe Touch (3) Push-Ups; repeat for 2 minutes then- 8 Rounds (20:10) Lateral...