Live Replay with Jeremy SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength: 1a.) 3×15 Dolphin Push-Ups 1b.) 3x10e Single Leg RDL 1c.) 3x30sec Copenhagen Plank Conditioning 1e Single Leg Walk Outs 2e Curtsy Lunges 3e Pike to Toe Touch 4e Power Skips 5e...
Bodyweight Cardio with Dane Bates SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Conditioning (5) – 3 Minute AMRAP’s *Please note we had a technical issue while recording and missed one round of Natural Quad Extensions 2 Lunge+Squat/ 2 Heisman...
20 Minute Conditioning with Danielle SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Alternating EMOM- 4 Rounds 30 Lateral Lunge Toe Touches 10e Power Skips 4 Single Leg Inchworm with Push-ups 20 Jumping Lunges 20 Pike to Toe Touch ADDITIONAL NOTES:...
Conditioning with Jeremy SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Finish each round in under 3:00. Each time you’re successful, add 2 reps to each movement. Goal is 5-6 rounds! 8 High to Low Planks B. 8 V-ups C. 8 Overhead Straight Leg Sit-ups ...