Conditioning with Maria SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Conditioning Tabata style 30:15 3 rounds (23 min) Squat Jumps Mountain Climbers Skater Hops Russian Twists Lunges Leg Raises Pulsing Squats Flutter Kicks Plank Squat Hold ADDITIONAL...
Live Zoom Replay with Megan SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength: 3x8e Split Squat 3x10e Alternating V-Ups 3x8e Single Arm Elevated Push-Up Conditioning: 4 round alternating EMOM 20 in/out squat 15e quick feet 8e plank rotations 8e alt...
Bodyweight Total-body Strength with Maria SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength workout: 3X15 Tricep Dips 3X15 Glute Bridge 3×10 Snow Angel Superman 3X15E Lunge with Rotation 3X10E Plank Up/Downs 3X10 Deadbugs ADDITIONAL NOTES:...
Conditioning workout with Dane SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: In this conditioning workout, start at 10 reps of the listed movements, after you complete the first round, you now have 9 reps…and so on 10: 1 Quad extension to push up...
Conditioning with Jeremy SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Descend from 10 (10:1 complex) Groiners or Runner Lunges Squat to 90-90 twists (each side) Plank Taps (each side) Side Shuffle the room (each way) Alternating V-ups (each leg) Heel Touch...