Strength workout with Jack SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength 4 rounds (Approx. 30 mins) 1)Russian Twist x 20t 2)Single Leg Bridge x 12E 3)Shoulder Plank Taps x 15E 4)Side Plank Dips x 12E 5)Body Weight Squats 3/3/1 x 15t ADDITIONAL...
Live Replay with Jeremy SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength: 1a.) 3×15 Dolphin Push-Ups 1b.) 3x10e Single Leg RDL 1c.) 3x30sec Copenhagen Plank Conditioning 1e Single Leg Walk Outs 2e Curtsy Lunges 3e Pike to Toe Touch 4e Power Skips 5e...
Strength with Dane (medium weight for disco press) SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength equipment needed 1 medium weight for Disco Press KB/DB/ Small Dog… 1a) 3x8e Plank Walkouts 1b) 3×1 Minute Iron Cross Hold 1c) 3x8e High Plank to Elbow...
Strength with Penny Danks (equipment needed) SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength–3 Rounds Turkish get up x 2 each Single Arm or Double KB/DB snatch x 15 each Pistol Squat x 15 each Single Arm or Double KB/DB push press x 15 each...
Live Zoom Workout Replay with Maria SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength 1a.) 3×10-15 Single Arm Shoulder Press 1b.) 3×10-15 bicep curls 1c.) 3×10-15 Dumbbell Row Conditioning: 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest, switch...