Conditioning with Jeremy

Conditioning with Jeremy

Conditioning with Jeremy SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Descend from 10 (10:1 complex) Groiners or Runner Lunges Squat to 90-90 twists (each side) Plank Taps (each side) Side Shuffle the room (each way) Alternating V-ups (each leg) Heel Touch...
Live Workout Replay with Danielle

Live Workout Replay with Danielle

Live Workout Replay with Danielle SETS: REPS/ROUNDS: REST/BREAK: WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength 1a.) 3x10e Grappler Row 1b.) 3x10e Kneeling Press 1c.) 3x30sec each side Plank Conditioning 5 Rounds 5e Clean/Squat/Press (No weight 15 Squat Jumps) 5 Burpees 5e Skater Hop...
Strength with Jeremy

Strength with Jeremy

Strength with Jeremy SETS:  REPS/ROUNDS:  REST/BREAK:  WORKOUT INSTRUCTIONS: Strength 30’: (equipment needed, db/kb or backpack with bricks/soupcans, chair, ) 30 sec each leg Goblet Split-Squats or “Weight Sack” Squats {3-1-2 tempo} {30 sec recovery} Round 1: just...
24 Minute Cardio with Penny

24 Minute Cardio with Penny

24 Minute Cardio with Penny SETS/ROUNDS: 3 sets REPS: 10 REST: 30-60 seconds of rest between lifts Workout Instructions Tabata Conditioning 20:10- 6 Rounds (24 minutes) Jumping Lunges Plank Up Downs Icky Shuffle Speed Burpee Sit-ups Power Skip Forward to Backward...
Kettlebell Strength Workout

Kettlebell Strength Workout

Kettlebell Strength Workout SETS/ROUNDS: 3 Rounds REPS: Complete as many reps as possible within a 30 second work period REST: 30 seconds of rest Workout Instructions Perform 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest with 8 exercises. Aim for 3 rounds, and try to go...