Kettlebell Conditioning Workout

Kettlebell Conditioning Workout

Kettlebell Conditioning Workout SETS/ROUNDS: 3 Rounds REPS: Complete as many reps as possible within a 30 second work period REST: 30 seconds of rest Workout Instructions This KB conditioning workout is for your best time. Repeat this workout to try to best your...
Dumbbell EMOM – 18 Minutes

Dumbbell EMOM – 18 Minutes

Dumbbell EMOM – 18 Minutes SETS/ROUNDS: 3 Rounds REPS: Complete as many reps as possible within a 30 second work period REST: 30 seconds of rest Workout Instructions 6 Rounds Every Minute On the Minute of 3 Exercises Example Subheading 1st Minute- 8...
Climbing Ladder of Push-ups & V-Ups

Climbing Ladder of Push-ups & V-Ups

Climbing Ladder of Push-ups & V-Ups SETS/ROUNDS: 3 Rounds REPS: Complete as many reps as possible within a 30 second work period REST: 30 seconds of rest Workout Instructions This is a climbing ladder style workout. Start 1st minute with 1 push-up and 1 v-up (e),...
If You’re Into Burpees

If You’re Into Burpees

If You’re Into Burpees SETS/ROUNDS: 3 Rounds REPS: Complete as many reps as possible within a 30 second work period REST: 30 seconds of rest Workout Instructions Death by burpees is an exercise building ladder style workouts.  Example Subheading First minute is...
15 Minute EMOM Bodyweight Workout

15 Minute EMOM Bodyweight Workout

15 Minute EMOM Bodyweight Workout SETS/ROUNDS: 3 Rounds REPS: Complete as many reps as possible within a 30 second work period REST: 30 seconds of rest Workout Instructions 15 minute Every Minute on the Minute 5 Rounds 30 Air Squats 20 Crunches 15 Push-Ups Quick...